

Community Foundations of Canada logo

Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the national leadership organization for Canada’s 191 local community foundations. Together with community foundations across the country, CFC helps drive local solutions for national change on the issues that matter most to Canadians. CFC is building a movement that connects community foundations, Canadians and partners to create a just, sustainable future.

CFC’s programming targets pressing social issues in Canada, including youth engagement, gender equality, support for entrepreneurship and social innovation, and community-level connections with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among many other topics. In addition to thematic programming, CFC also hosts a bi-annual national conference for community and private foundations, runs the country’s largest community-driven data program, and hosts The Learning Institute, a resource centre for local foundations which provides programming guides, webinars, and events.

“Relentlessly pursuing a future where everyone belongs.”

We believe in a future that is bright, a future that is just and sustainable, and a future that is not the status quo. A future where, no matter a person’s background, they feel a sense of belonging in Canada. We’re building a movement that connects community foundations, partners, and Canadians to make this future a reality.

Shifting Power

Shifting the power to those who best know the needs of our communities. Ensuring diverse voices are at the table where important decisions about our future are being made.

Taking the long view

We have the benefit of taking the long view. The capacity to work nimbly and collaboratively toward systemic change.

Strengthening community

Resilient communities are strong communities. Investing and supporting all facets of community and civic life is at the core of who we are.